Enjoying Life
With Our Dogs

Meet Oscar and Phoebe
I’m Katy, and these are my two beautiful, wonderful, cheeky, funny loves, Oscar (terrier) and Phoebe (whippet). And we do pretty much everything together.
They supervise my activities in the office and when I’m crafting. And when I’m not working, we’re usually enjoying playtime, adventures, good food, and fun times.
Oscar, my very senior boy, is the one who inspired me to be a better dog parent and a better human. He had a lot of health and behavior issues, right from the first day we picked him up as a tiny puppy, so I set out on a quest to make his life the very best I could.
I added a canine herbalism qualification to my master herbalist certification. Then, I became a certified canine nutritionist.
My aim is to keep my little loves as mentally and physically healthy as I can, and to make sure we all have plenty of fun, good times, and adventures along the way.
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